Specialized Services in NLP & LLM
Empowering your business with state-of-the-art language technologies.
Early adopters of NLP and Large Language Models are already transforming their operations and gaining a competitive edge. As these technologies evolve, the opportunity to leverage their benefits becomes increasingly crucial. Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey with AI?
LLM Development & Integration
From conceptualizing to deploying robust Large Language Models, we provide end-to-end solutions tailored to your specific business needs.
Comprehensive AI Consulting Services
Embarking on your AI journey? Our expertise spans across the AI spectrum, guiding you from foundational strategies to specialized solutions in NLP and LLMs. Let's chart your path to AI-driven success.
NLP-Powered Product Development
Enhance your products with advanced NLP capabilities, from intelligent chatbots to insightful analytics tools, driving innovation and efficiency.
Custom AI Model Training
Leverage our expertise to train bespoke AI models, including LLMs, that understand and interact with language in contextually rich ways.
Large Language Models (LLMs) and advanced NLP technologies are redefining business potential. It's projected that these technologies could unlock unprecedented value, enhancing decision-making, customer experience, and operational efficiency across diverse industries. Embracing LLMs now is a strategic move towards future-proofing your business in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Clients we have worked with
"Balázs from Neural Machines is one of the best delivery people I had the pleasure to work with."
Rolando Pablo Hong Enriquez
Senior Data Science Consultant @ Deloitte UK
Meet our Potential Collaborators
Our network of experts available for collaboration on projects on a contract basis:
Balazs Feher, PhD
Managing Director
8+ years of experience
Agoston Torok, PhD
Senior Data Scientist
8+ years of experience
Adam Csapo, PhD
Senior Data Scientist
5+ years of experience
Marco Visibelli
Senior Data Scientist
10+ years of experience
Janka Burovincz
Data Visualization
3+ years of experience
Tamas Feher, PhD
AI Performance Advisor
5+ years of experience
Tamas Pejko
Data Scientist
5 years of experience
Nóra Sereg
Business Operations Manager
4+ years of experience
We are partners in technology with Precognox
Sounds interesting?
If so, please contact us at hello@neuralmachines.co.uk!
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